Sell your office furniture to Clear Workspace
Make money by selling your unwanted office furniture to Clear Workspace
Clear Workspace is the UK’s foremost sustainable office clearance business. It’s a straightforward and bold claim to make, but what are our credentials that can support such a statement?
The principal basis is that Clear Workspace reuses or recycles every piece of office clearance furniture that is capable of being saved from landfill.
What this means is that any unwanted office furniture removed during an office clearance that is still in working condition will be saved from the rubbish tip. Why? Because Clear Workspace is dedicated to operating in a manner that is cognisant of our environmental footprint. Our aim is to operate an office clearance business that, more than merely doling out eco-friendly platitudes, acts in a manner that is in-line with current best practice on sustainability and environmental protection.
That’s why Clear Workspace belongs to a network of key partnerships across the UK and Africa which sees office furniture no longer required in Britain shipped abroad, meaning that office furniture that may be of use to others can be donated to those that need it most. It is one of the aspects of Clear Workspace’s business about which our employees are most proud, as well as one that has fostered very strong bonds with charities in the developing world. Moreover, it has proven an immense draw for our customers.
There is another aspect, however, that helps to underline Clear Workspace’s sustainable credentials. This is the offer by Clear Workspace to buy from our customers office furniture which they no longer need. This means that you can sell your office furniture to Clear Workspace, both getting rid of items for which you no longer have a need and helping you earn a little money, too.

Sell office furniture
One of our most popular policies is a price match guarantee or better on all Herman Miller and Vitra chairs. These are very sought-after high-quality items, and therefore always in demand, meaning Clear Workspace are always keen to make a cash offer if you are in possession of these items and are no longer in need of them.
So, if you have any unwanted office furniture and think they may still retain some value, look no further than Clear Workspace. All our customers need to do is to either give us a call, send us a WhatsApp or fill out the form on our asset purchasing page with information or images of your items. Then, Clear Workspace will make a survey of the items in person, offering a cash fee and collection with same-day payment.
Ultra-high-end chairs from luxury firms can be purchased on a one-off basis; other office furniture items can be purchased by Clear Workspace in multiples of 20+. If during an office clearance our specialist clearance teams note furniture that they believe to possess some value, then you will be informed, giving you the opportunity to make some money whilst getting rid of no longer wanted furniture.
Office furniture that you can sell to Clear Workspace include single desks, office chairs, bench desks, pedestals, sofas and ultra-high-end chairs. Our on-site survey can assess the condition of the items, and will provide an honest assessment of their worth.
As an initiative, it is has helped Clear Workspace cultivate very strong relationships with our customers, who have taken up the offer to sell unwanted office furniture in huge numbers.

Sustainable office clearance
In today’s climate, there’s a huge demand for second-user office furniture. This, coupled with a drive by society at large – and the businesses and individuals within it – to make a concerted effort to protect the environment and reduce our collective carbon footprint, has seen a massive proliferation of people looking to offload unwanted goods in a way that is sustainable.
At the same time, the economic situation ushered in by the pandemic has also led to individuals and firms becoming more creative in how they go about disposing of their furniture, meaning there is more awareness about the money to be made by selling office furniture.
Combined, these twin developments have seen a huge take up of Clear Workspace’s offer. Perhaps it’s the ideal joining together of an ethical attitude toward dispensing with unwanted furniture, and the opportunity to make some cash, that are the drivers of its immense success.